Iran Dreams of Aviation Boom

Iran Dreams of Aviation Boom

In 1995 the US government imposed sanctions which, among other things, included a ban on  aviation companies from selling aircraft and repair parts to Iranian airlines. Since the sanctions have been lifted, Iran has made revival of its civil aviation a priority. There...
Big Data’s Impact on Oil And Gas

Big Data’s Impact on Oil And Gas

The imperative to get ever more product out of diminishing resources is irreversible. No business is untouched by it. Investment and approval will only go to those businesses that are able to shepherd the resources they’re entrusted with—people, capital, and...
How Big Data is Impacting Economics

How Big Data is Impacting Economics

When you break it down to simple terms, the field of economics at it’s core is about math and people. Nowadays, you might want to add that it’s about math, people, and “big data.”   Economics is the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption,...
Brexit vs. Black Wednesday

Brexit vs. Black Wednesday

In the lead up to, and aftermath of, the Brexit referendum vote in June, you may have seen more than one reference comparing the potential fall-out to “Black Wednesday”. While that is not turning out to be entirely comparable, (Pound Sterling Live said on 7/25/16 that...
Britain on the Brink of Debt Crisis?

Britain on the Brink of Debt Crisis?

New figures from the Bank of England shows that British households are borrowing more than £1bn a month for financing. While the buying of new cars, holiday travel, and other spending is good for the local economy, can encourage growth, and may also stimulate the...