Big Data’s Impact on Oil And Gas

Big Data’s Impact on Oil And Gas

The imperative to get ever more product out of diminishing resources is irreversible. No business is untouched by it. Investment and approval will only go to those businesses that are able to shepherd the resources they’re entrusted with—people, capital, and...
Can Italy’s Banks Bring Down the EU?

Can Italy’s Banks Bring Down the EU?

Italy’s finances have been bleak for some time now, with a recession that lasted for seven years resulting in the death of almost 25% of industry in Italy. With so much industry gone, Italians have been left with an economy that hasn’t grown in 13 years, and an...
Breaking Down Game Theory Basics

Breaking Down Game Theory Basics

Game theory: You’ve probably heard of it, but do you know what it is? At it’s core, a “game” is any situation where there are several decision makers, and each of them wants to achieve the best results for themselves. The optimizing decision and result will depend,...